When entering or leaving the Do-Jang execute a bow of respect to the national flags.
Execute a bow of courtesy upon meeting an instructor or black belt.
Students must always bow before speaking to the instructor and use words of consideration while speaking, such as Yes sir No sir and Pardon me. No nodding.
The title of Mr. or Mrs. followed by the last name will be used in addressing all instructors.
All students are expected to be courteous and understanding. Advanced students are expected to set a good example to new students, and assist lower belts as necessary.
Proper respect will be displayed to all persons holding higher-ranking belts.
Any substitute teacher shall be treated as the regular instructor.
Strict attention is to be given to the instructor at all times. No coaching from outside the gym.
There will be no talking while the instructor is talking or speaking to any visitor while in training.
Never leave class for a break or water without permission.
Ask permission if entering class late or leaving early.
Each class will have a formal ceremonial opening and closing.
There will be no tying of belts or straightening the Do-Bok while facing the instructor.
Remove shoes, hats, and sunglasses when entering the Do-Jang and help keep the dojang clean.
There will be no wearing of belts outside of class, Only formal occasions.
The Do-Bok must be kept clean and complete at all times.
All female students must wear a white T-shirt under their Do-Bok.
Remove all jewelry before class
Negative criticism of other students shows lack of self-control and destroys the unity of the Do-Jang and will not be tolerated.
Profanity, loss of temper, horseplay, loud laughing or talking, or any display of lack of self-discipline will not be tolerated
There will be no smoking, gum chewing, drinking, or leaning against the walls while in class.
Avoid bringing valuables to class.
Do not inquire the time of the next belt testing. The instructor will decide and inform you when you are ready for a test.
No free sparring without permission of the instructor.
Practice only the forms taught to you by the instructor.
Do not give a demonstration or try to teach Tae Kwon Do without the approval of the instructor.
Do not engage in any activities that might degrade the code of Tae Kwon do ethics or the reputation of the Do-Jang.
Do not participate in any activities held by a school or club other than your own school.
You must have approval of the instructor before participating in any tournament competition.
Students who cannot be present in class for two days or more must notify the instructor personally by phone. Those who cannot be present for a week or more must notify the instructor in person.
Tae Kwon Do techniques are not to be applied outside of the Do-Jang unless circumstances involving your safety, or the safety of others is overriding.
Let it be understood that violation of any of the above rules can result in suspension from class, loss of belt rank, and/or both at the discretion of your Master.
Rules of Discipline